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Debugging a task

Running tasks is the most common way to interact with moon, so what do you do when your task isn't working as expected? Diagnose it of course! Diagnosing the root cause of a broken task can be quite daunting, but do not fret, as the following steps will help guide you in this endeavor.

Verify configuration

Before we dive into the internals of moon, we should first verify that the task is actually configured correctly. Our configuration layer is very strict, but it can't catch everything, so jump to the moon.yml documentation for more information.

To start, moon will create a snapshot of the project and its tasks, with all tokens resolved, and paths expanded. This snapshot is located at .moon/cache/states/<project>/snapshot.json. With the snapshot open, inspect the root tasks object for any inconsistencies or inaccuracies.

Some issues to look out for:

  • Have command and args been parsed correctly?
  • Have tokens resolved correctly? If not, verify syntax or try another token type.
  • Have inputFiles, inputGlobs, and inputVars expanded correctly from inputs?
  • Have outputFiles and outputGlobs expanded correctly from outputs?
  • Is the toolchain (formerly platform) correct for the command? If incorrect, explicitly set the toolchain.
  • Are options and flags correct?

Resolved information can also be inspected with the moon task <target> --json command.

Verify inherited configuration

If the configuration from the previous step looks correct, you can skip this step, otherwise let's verify that the inherited configuration is also correct. In the snapshot.json file, inspect the root inherited object, which is structured as follows:

  • order - The order in which configuration files from .moon are loaded, from lowest to highest priority, and the order files are merged. The * entry is .moon/tasks.yml, while other entries map to .moon/tasks/**/*.yml.
  • layers - A mapping of configuration files that were loaded, derived from the order. Each layer represents a partial object (not expanded or resolved). Only files that exist will be mapped here.
  • config - A partial configuration object representing the state of all merged layers. This is what is merged with the project's moon.yml file.

Some issues to look out for:

  • Is the order correct? If not, verify the project's language and the task's toolchain.
  • Does config correctly represent the merged state of all layers? Do note that tasks are shallow merged (by name), not deep merged.
  • Have the root tasks properly inherited implicitDeps, implicitInputs, and fileGroups?

Inspect trace logs

If configuration looks good, let's move on to inspecting the trace logs, which can be a non-trivial amount of effort. Run the task to generate the logs, bypass the cache, and include debug information:

MOON_DEBUG_PROCESS_ENV=true MOON_DEBUG_PROCESS_INPUT=true moon run <target> --log trace --updateCache

Once ran, a large amount of information will be logged to the terminal. However, most of it can be ignored, as we're only interested in the "is this task affected by changes" logs. This breaks down as follows:

  1. First, we gather touched files from the local checkout, which is typically git status --porcelain --untracked-files (from the moon_process::command_inspector module). The logs do not output the list of files that are touched, but you can run this command locally to verify the output.
  2. Secondly, we gather all files from the project directory, using the git ls-files --full-name --cached --modified --others --exclude-standard <path> --deduplicate command (also from the moon_process::command_inspector module). This command can also be ran locally to verify the output.
  3. Lastly, all files from the previous 2 commands will be hashed using the git hash-object command. If you passed the MOON_DEBUG_PROCESS_INPUT environment variable, you'll see a massive log entry of all files being hashed. This is what we use to generate moon's specific hash.

If all went well, you should see a log entry that looks like this:

Generated hash <hash> for target <target>

The important piece is the hash, which is a 64-character SHA256 hash, and represents the unique hash of this task/target. This is what moon uses to determine a cache hit/miss, and whether or not to skip re-running a task.

Let's copy the hash and move on to the next step.

Inspect the hash manifest

With the hash in hand, let's dig deeper into moon's internals, by inspecting the hash manifest at .moon/cache/hashes/<hash>.json, or running the moon query hash command:

moon query hash <hash>

The manifest is JSON and its contents are all the information used to generate its unique hash. This information is an array, and breaks down as follows:

  • The first item in the array is the task itself. The important fields to diagnose here are deps and inputs.
    • Dependencies are other tasks (and their hash) that this task depends on.
    • Inputs are all the files (and their hash from git hash-object) this task requires to run.
  • The remaining items are toolchain/language specific, some examples are:
    • Node.js - The current Node.js version and the resolved versions/hashes of all package.json dependencies.
    • Rust - The current Rust version and the resolved versions/hashes of all Cargo.toml dependencies.
    • TypeScript - Compiler options for changing compilation output.

Some issues to look out for:

  • Do the dependencies match the task's configured deps and implicitDeps?
  • Do the inputs match the task's configured inputs and implicitInputs? If not, try tweaking the config.
  • Are the toolchain/language specific items correct?
  • Are dependency versions/hashes correctly parsed from the appropriate lockfile?

Diffing a previous hash

Another avenue for diagnosing a task is to diff the hash against a hash from a previous run. Since we require multiple hashes, we'll need to run the task multiple times, inspect the logs, and extract the hash for each. If you receive the same hash for each run, you'll need to tweak configuration or change files to produce a different hash.

Once you have 2 unique hashes, we can pass them to the moon query hash-diff command. This will produce a git diff styled output, allowing for simple line-by-line comparison debugging.

moon query hash-diff <hash-left> <hash-right>
Left:  0b55b234f1018581c45b00241d7340dc648c63e639fbafdaf85a4cd7e718fdde
Right: 2388552fee5a02062d0ef402bdc7232f0a447458b058c80ce9c3d0d4d7cfe171

"command": "build",
"args": [
+ "./dist"
- "./build"

This is extremely useful in diagnoising why a task is running differently than before, and is much easier than inspecting the hash manifest files manually!

Ask for help

If you've made it this far, and still can't figure out why a task is not working correctly, please ask for help!