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TypeScript project references

The ultimate in-depth guide for using TypeScript in a monorepo effectively!

How to use TypeScript in a monorepo? What are project references? Why use project references? What is the best way to use project references? These are just a handful of questions that are constantly asked on Twitter, forums, Stack Overflow, and even your workplace.

Based on years of experience managing large-scale frontend repositories, we firmly believe that TypeScript project references are the proper solution for effectively scaling TypeScript in a monorepo. The official TypeScript documentation on project references answers many of these questions, but it basically boils down to the following:

  • Project references enforce project boundaries, disallowing imports to arbitrary projects unless they have been referenced explicitly in configuration. This avoids circular references / cycles.
  • It enables TypeScript to process individual units, instead of the entire repository as a whole. Perfect for reducing CI and local development times.
  • It supports incremental compilation, so only out-of-date or affected projects are processed. The more TypeScript's cache is warmed, the faster it will be.
  • It simulates how types work in the Node.js package ecosystem.

This all sounds amazing but there's got to be some downsides right? Unfortunately, there is:

  • Project references require generating declarations to resolve type information correctly. This results in a lot of compilation artifacts littered throughout the repository. There are ways around this.
  • This approach is a bit involved and may require some cognitive overhead based on your current level of TypeScript tooling knowledge.

If you'd like a real-world repository to reference, our moonrepo/moon, moonrepo/dev, and moonrepo/examples repositories utilizes this architecture!


Before you dive into this questionably long guide, we'd like to preface with:

  • This guide is a living document and will continually be updated with best practices and frequently asked questions. Keep returning to learn more!
  • This guide assumes a basic level knowledge of TypeScript and how it works.
  • The architecture outlined in this guide assumes that TypeScript is only used for typechecking and not compiling. However, supporting compilation should be as easy as modifying a handful of compiler options.
  • Although this guide exists within moon's documentation, it does not require moon. We've kept all implementation details generic enough for it be used in any repository, but have also included many notes on how moon would improve this experience.


The most complicated part of integrating TypeScript in a monorepo is a proper configuration setup. Based on our extensive experience, we suggest the following architecture as a base! This is not perfect and can most definitely be expanded upon or modified to fit your needs.


In a polyrepo, the root tsconfig.json is typically the only configuration file, as it defines common compiler options, and includes files to typecheck. In a monorepo, these responsibilities are now split across multiple configuration files.


To start, the root tsconfig.json file is nothing more than a list of all projects in the monorepo, with each project being an individual entry in the references field. Each entry must contain a path field with a relative file system path to the project root (that contains their config).

We also do not define compiler options in this file, as project-level configuration files would not be able to extend this file, as it would trigger a circular reference. Instead, we define common compiler options in a root tsconfig.options.json file, that this file also extends from.

In the end, this file should only contain 3 fields: extends, files (an empty list), and references. This abides the official guidance around structure.

"extends": "./tsconfig.options.json",
"files": [],
"references": [
"path": "apps/foo"
"path": "packages/bar"
// ... more

When using moon, the typescript.syncProjectReferences setting will keep this references list automatically in sync, and the name of the file can be customized with typescript.rootConfigFileName.


This file will contain common compiler options that will be inherited by all projects in the monorepo. For project references to work correctly, the following settings must be enabled at the root, and typically should not be disabled in each project.

  • composite - Enables project references and informs the TypeScript program where to find referenced outputs.
  • declaration - Project references rely on the compiled declarations (.d.ts) of external projects. If declarations do not exist, TypeScript will generate them on demand.
  • declarationMap - Generate sourcemaps for declarations, so that language server integrations in editors like "Go to" resolve correctly.
  • incremental - Enables incremental compilation, greatly improving performance.
  • noEmitOnError - If the typechecker fails, avoid generating invalid or partial declarations.
  • skipLibCheck - Avoids eager loading and analyzing all declarations, greatly improving performance.

Furthermore, we have 2 settings that should be enabled per project, depending on the project type.

  • emitDeclarationOnly - For packages: Emit declarations, as they're required for references, but avoid compiling to JavaScript.
  • noEmit - For applications: Don't emit declarations, as others should not be depending on the project.

For convenience, we provide the tsconfig-moon package, which defines common compiler options and may be used here.

"compilerOptions": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"declarationMap": true,
"emitDeclarationOnly": true,
"incremental": true,
"noEmitOnError": true,
"skipLibCheck": true
// ... others

When using moon, the name of the file can be customized with typescript.rootOptionsConfigFileName.

ECMAScript interoperability

ECMAScript modules (ESM) have been around for quite a while now, but the default TypeScript settings are not configured for them. We suggest the following compiler options if you want proper ESM support with interoperability with the ecosystem.

"compilerOptions": {
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"isolatedModules": true,
"module": "esnext",
"moduleResolution": "bundler",
"strict": true,
"target": "esnext"
// ... others


Project references unfortunately generate a ton of artifacts that typically shouldn't be committed to the repository (but could be if you so choose). We suggest ignoring the following:

# The `outDir` for declarations
# Build cache manifests


Each project that contains TypeScript files and will utilize the typechecker must contain a tsconfig.json in the project root, typically as a sibling to package.json.


A tsconfig.json in the root of a project (application or package) is required, as it informs TypeScript that this is a project, and that it can be referenced by other projects. In its simplest form, this file should extend the root tsconfig.options.json to inherit common compiler options, define its own compiler options (below), define includes/excludes, and any necessary references.

When using moon, the name of the file can be customized with typescript.projectConfigFileName.

For applications, declaration emitting can be disabled, since external projects should not be importing files from an application. If this use case ever arises, move those files into a package.

"extends": "../../../../tsconfig.options.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"noEmit": true
"include": [],
"references": []

When using moon, the outDir can automatically be re-routed to a shared cache using typescript.routeOutDirToCache, to avoid littering the repository with compilation artifacts.

Includes and excludes

Based on experience, we suggest defining include instead of exclude, as managing a whitelist of typecheckable files is much easier. When dealing with excludes, there are far too many possibilities. To start, you have node_modules, and for applications maybe dist, build, .next, or another application specific folder, and then for packages you may have lib, cjs, esm, etc. It becomes very... tedious.

The other benefit of using include is that it forces TypeScript to only load what's necessary, instead of eager loading everything into memory, and for typechecking files that aren't part of source, like configuration.

// ...
"include": ["src/**/*", "tests/**/*", "*.js", "*.ts"]
Depending on other projects

When a project depends on another project (by importing code from it), either using relative paths, path aliases, or its package.json name, it must be declared as a reference. If not declared, TypeScript will error with a message about importing outside the project boundary.

// ...
"references": [
"path": "../../foo"
"path": "../../bar"
"path": "../../../../baz"

To make use of editor intellisense and auto-imports of deeply nested files, you'll most likely need to add includes for referenced projects as well.

// ...
"include": [
// ...

When using moon, the typescript.syncProjectReferences setting will keep this references list automatically in sync, and typescript.includeProjectReferenceSources for include.


Additional configurations may exist in a project that serve a role outside of typechecking, with one such role being npm package publishing. These configs are sometimes named, tsconfig.types.json, or tsconfig.lib.json. Regardless of what they're called, these configs are optional, so unless you have a business need for them, you may skip this section.

Package publishing

As mentioned previously, these configs may be used for npm packages, primarily for generating TypeScript declarations that are mapped through the package.json types (or typings) field.

Given this package.json...

// ...
"types": "./lib/index.d.ts"

Our may look like...

"extends": "../../../../tsconfig.options.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "lib",
"rootDir": "src"
"include": ["src/**/*"]

Simple right? But why do we need an additional configuration? Why not use the other tsconfig.json? Great questions! The major reason is that we only want to publish declarations for source files, and the declarations file structure should match 1:1 with the sources structure. The tsconfig.json does not guarantee this, as it may include test, config, or arbitrary files, all of which may not exist in the sources directory (src), and will alter the output to an incorrect directory structure. Our solves this problem by only including source files, and by forcing the source root to src using the rootDir compiler option.

However, there is a giant caveat with this approach! Because TypeScript utilizes Node.js's module resolution, it will reference the declarations defined by the package.json types or exports fields, instead of the outDir compiler option, and the other tsconfig.json does not guarantee these files will exist. This results in TypeScript failing to find the appropriate types! To solve this, add the as a project reference to tsconfig.json.

// ...
"references": [
"path": "./"
// ... others
Vendor specific

Some vendors, like Vite, Vitest, and Astro may include additional tsconfig.*.json files unique to their ecosystem. We suggest following their guidelines and implementation when applicable.

Running the typechecker

Now that our configuration is place, we can run the typechecker, or attempt to at least! This can be done with the tsc --build command, which acts as a build orchestrator. We also suggest passing --verbose for insights into what projects are compiling, and which are out-of-date.

On all projects

From the root of the repository, run tsc --build --verbose to typecheck all projects, as defined in tsconfig.json. TypeScript will generate a directed acyclic graph (DAG) and compile projects in order so that dependencies and references are resolved correctly.


Why run TypeScript in the root? Typically you would only want to run against projects, but for situations where you need to verify that all projects still work, running in the root is the best approach. Some such situations are upgrading TypeScript itself, upgrading global @types packages, updating shared types, reworking build processes, and more.

On an individual project

To only typecheck a single project (and its dependencies), there are 2 approaches. The first is to run from the root, and pass a relative path to the project, such as tsc --build --verbose packages/foo. The second is to change the working directory to the project, and run from there, such as cd packages/foo && tsc --build --verbose.

Both approaches are viable, and either may be used based on your tooling, build system, task runner, so on and so forth. This is the approach moon suggests with its typecheck task.

On affected projects

In CI environments, it's nice to only run the typechecker on affected projects — projects that have changed files. While this isn't entirely possible with tsc, it is possible with moon! Head over to the official docs for more information.

Using paths aliases

Path aliases, also known as path mapping or magic imports, is the concept of defining an import alias that re-maps its underlying location on the file system. In TypeScript, this is achieved with the paths compiler option.

In a monorepo world, we suggest using path aliases on a per-project basis, instead of defining them "globally" in the root. This gives projects full control of what's available and what they want to import, and also plays nice with the mandatory baseUrl compiler option.

// ...
"compilerOptions": {
// ...
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
// Within the project
":components/*": ["./src/components/*"],
// To a referenced project
":shared/*": ["../../shared/code/*"]
"references": [
"path": "../../shared/code"

The above aliases would be imported like the following:

// Before
import { Button } from '../../../../components/Button';
import utils from '../../shared/code/utils';

// After
import { Button } from ':components/Button';
import utils from ':shared/utils';

When using path aliases, we suggest prefixing or suffixing the alias with : so that it's apparent that it's an alias (this also matches the new node: import syntax). Using no special character or @ is problematic as it risks a chance of collision with a public npm package and may accidentally open your repository to a supply chain attack. Other characters like ~ and $ have an existing meaning in the ecosystem, so it's best to avoid them aswell.

Importing source files from local packages

If you are importing from a project reference using a package.json name, then TypeScript will abide by Node.js module resolution logic, and will import using the main/types or exports entry points. This means that you're importing compiled code instead of source code, and will require the package to be constantly rebuilt if changes are made to it.

However, why not simply import source files instead? With path aliases, you can do just that, by defining a paths alias that maps the package.json name to its source files, like so.

// ...
"compilerOptions": {
// ...
"paths": {
// Index import
"@scope/name": ["../../shared/package/src/index.ts"],
// Deep imports
"@scope/name/*": ["../../shared/package/src/*"]
"references": [
"path": "../../shared/package"

When using moon, the typescript.syncProjectReferencesToPaths setting will automatically create paths based on the local references.

Sharing and augmenting types

Declaring global types, augmenting node modules, and sharing reusable types is a common practice. There are many ways to achieve this, so choose what works best for your repository. We use the following pattern with great success.

At the root of the repository, create a types folder as a sibling to tsconfig.json. This folder must only contain declarations (.d.ts) files for the following reasons:

  • Declarations can be includeed in a project without having to be a project reference.
  • Hard-coded declarations do not need to be compiled from TypeScript files.

Based on the above, update your project's tsconfig.json to include all of these types, or just some of these types.

// ...
"include": ["src/**/*", "../../../../types/**/*"]

In the future, moon will provide a setting to automate this workflow!

Supporting package.json exports

In Node.js v12, they introduced a new field to package.json called exports that aims to solve the shortcomings of the main field. The exports field is very complicated, and instead of repeating all of its implementation details, we suggest reading the official Node.js docs on this topic.

With that being said, TypeScript completely ignored the exports field until v4.7, and respecting exports is still ignored unless the moduleResolution compiler option is set to "nodenext", "node16", or "bundler". If moduleResolution is set to "node", then your integration is resolving based on the main and types field, which are basically "legacy".


Enabling package.json imports/exports resolution is very complicated, and may be very tedious, especially considering the state of the npm ecosystem. Proceed with caution!

State of the npm ecosystem

As mentioned above, the npm ecosystem (as of November 2022) is in a very fragile state in regards to imports/exports. Based on our experience attempting to utilize them in a monorepo, we ran into an array of problems, some of which are:

  • Published packages are simply utilizing imports/exports incorrectly. The semantics around CJS/ESM are very strict, and they may be configured wrong. This is exacerbated by the new type field.
  • The exports field overrides the main and types fields. If exports exists without type conditions, but the types field exists, the types entry point is completely ignored, resulting in TypeScript failures.

With that being said, there are ways around this and moving forward is possible, if you dare!

Enabling imports/exports resolution

To start, set the moduleResolution compiler option to "nodenext" (for packages) or "bundler" (for apps) in the tsconfig.options.json file.

"compilerOptions": {
// ...
"moduleResolution": "nodenext"

Next, run the typechecker from the root against all projects. This will help uncover all potential issues with the dependencies you're using or the current configuration architecture. If no errors are found, well congratulations, otherwise jump to the next section for more information on resolving them.

If you're trying to use exports in your own packages, ensure that the types condition is set, and it's the first condition in the mapping! We also suggest including main and the top-level types for tooling that do not support exports yet.

// ...
"main": "./lib/index.js",
"types": "./lib/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
"./package.json": "./package.json",
".": {
"types": "./lib/index.d.ts",
"node": "./lib/index.js"

Managing exports is non-trivial. If you'd prefer them to be automatically generated based on a set of inputs, we suggest using Packemon!

Resolving issues

There's only one way to resolve issues around incorrectly published exports, and that is package patching, either with Yarn's patching feature, pnpm's patching feature, or the patch-package package. With patching, you can:

  • Inject the types condition/field if it's missing.
  • Re-structure the exports mapping if it's incorrect.
  • Fix incorrect entry point paths.
  • And even fix invalid TypeScript declarations or JavaScript code!
"main": "./lib/index.js",
"types": "./lib/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
"./package.json": "./package.json",
- ".": "./lib/index.js"
+ ".": {
+ "types": "./lib/index.d.ts",
+ "node": "./lib/index.js"
+ }

More often than not, the owners of these packages may be unaware that their exports mapping is incorrect. Why not be a good member of the community and report an issue or even submit a pull request?

Editor integration

Unfortunately, we only have experience with VS Code. If you prefer another editor and have guidance you'd like to share with the community, feel free to submit a pull request and we'll include it below!

VS Code

VS Code has first-class support for TypeScript and project references, and should "just work" without any configuration. You can verify this by restarting the TypeScript server in VS Code (with the cmd + shift + p command palette) and navigating to each project. Pay attention to the status bar at the bottom, as you'll see this:

When this status appears, it means that VS Code is compiling a project. It will re-appear multiple times, basically for each project, instead of once for the entire repository.

Furthermore, ensure that VS Code is using the version of TypeScript from the typescript package in node_modules. Relying on the version that ships with VS Code may result in unexpected TypeScript failures.

"typescript.tsdk": "node_modules/typescript/lib"
// Or "Select TypeScript version" from the command palette


I still have questions, where can I ask them?

We'd love to answer your questions and help anyway that we can. Feel free to...

  • Join the moonrepo discord and post your question in the #typescript channel.
  • Ping me, Miles Johnson, on Twitter. I'll try my best to respond to every tweet.

Do I have to use project references?

Short answer, no. If you have less than say 10 projects, references may be overkill. If your repository is primarily an application, but then has a handful of shared npm packages, references may also be unnecessary here. In the end, it really depends on how many projects exist in the monorepo, and what your team/company is comfortable with.

However, we do suggest using project references for very large monorepos (think 100s of projects), or repositories with a large number of contributors, or if you merely want to reduce CI typechecking times.

What about not using project references and only using source files?

A popular alternative to project references is to simply use the source files as-is, by updating the main and types entry fields within each package.json to point to the original TypeScript files. This approach is also known as "internal packages".

// ...
"main": "./src/index.tsx",
"types": "./src/index.tsx"

While this works, there are some downsides to this approach.

  • Loading declaration files are much faster than source files.
  • You'll lose all the benefits of TypeScript's incremental caching and compilation. TypeScript will consistently load, parse, and evaluate these source files every time. This is especially true for CI environments.
  • When using package.json workspaces, bundlers and other tools may consider these source files "external" as they're found in node_modules. This will require custom configuration to allow it.
  • It breaks consistency. Consistency with the npm ecosystem, and consistency with how packaging and TypeScript was designed to work. If all packages are internal, then great, but if you have some packages that are published, you now have 2 distinct patterns for "using packages" instead of 1.

With that being said, theres a 3rd alternative that may be the best of both worlds, using project references and source files, by using paths aliases.

All in all, this is a viable approach if you're comfortable with the downsides listed above. Use the pattern that works best for your repository, team, or company!

How to integrate with ESLint?

We initially included ESLint integration in this guide, but it was very complex and in-depth on its own, so we've opted to push it to another guide. Unfortunately, that guide is not yet available, so please come back soon! We'll announce when it's ready.

How to handle circular references?

Project references do not support circular references (cycles), which is great, as they are a code smell! If you find yourself arbitrarily importing code from random sources, or between 2 projects that depend on each other, then this highlights a problem with your architecture. Projects should be encapsulated and isolated from outside sources, unless explicitly allowed through a dependency. Dependencies are "upstream", so having them depend on the current project (the "downstream"), makes little to no sense.

If you're trying to adopt project references and are unfortunately hitting the circular reference problem, don't fret, untangling is possible, although non-trivial depending on the size of your repository. It basically boils down to creating an additional project to move coupled code to.

For example, if project A was importing from project B, and B from A, then the solution would be to create another project, C (typically a shared npm package), and move both pieces of code into C. A and B would then import from C, instead of from each other. We're not aware of any tools that would automate this, or detect cycles, so you'll need to do it manually.