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Bun handbook

Utilizing JavaScript (and TypeScript) in a monorepo can be a daunting task, especially when using Bun (or Node.js), as there are many ways to structure your code and to configure your tools. With this handbook, we'll help guide you through this process.


This guide is a living document and will continue to be updated over time!

moon setup

For this part of the handbook, we'll be focusing on moon, our task runner. To start, languages in moon act like plugins, where their functionality and support is not enabled unless explicitly configured. We follow this approach to avoid unnecessary overhead.

Enabling the language

To enable JavaScript support via Bun, define the bun setting in .moon/toolchain.yml, even if an empty object.

# Enable Bun
bun: {}

Or by pinning a bun version in .prototools in the workspace root.

bun = "1.0.0"

This will enable the Bun toolchain and provide the following automations around its ecosystem:

  • Node modules will automatically be installed if dependencies in package.json have changed, or the lockfile has changed, since the last time a task has ran.
    • We'll also take package.json workspaces into account and install modules in the correct location; either the workspace root, in a project, or both.
  • Relationships between projects will automatically be discovered based on dependencies, devDependencies, and peerDependencies in package.json.

Utilizing the toolchain

When a language is enabled, moon by default will assume that the language's binary is available within the current environment (typically on PATH). This has the downside of requiring all developers and machines to manually install the correct version of the language, and to stay in sync.

Instead, you can utilize moon's toolchain, which will download and install the language in the background, and ensure every task is executed using the exact version across all machines.

Enabling the toolchain is as simple as defining the bun.version setting.

# Enable Bun toolchain with an explicit version
version: '1.0.0'

Versions can also be defined with .prototools.

Configuring the toolchain

Since the JavaScript ecosystem supports multiple runtimes, moon is unable to automatically detect the correct runtime for all scenarios. Does the existence of a package.json mean Node.js or Bun? We don't know, and default to Node.js because of its popularity.

To work around this, you can set toolchain to "bun" at the task-level or project-level.

# For all tasks in the project
default: 'bun'

command: 'webpack'
# For this specific task
toolchain: 'bun'

The task-level toolchain.default only needs to be set if executing a node_modules binary! The bun binary automatically sets the toolchain to Bun.

Using package.json scripts

If you're looking to prototype moon, or reduce the migration effort to moon tasks, you can configure moon to inherit package.json scripts, and internally convert them to moon tasks. This can be achieved with the bun.inferTasksFromScripts setting.

inferTasksFromScripts: true

Or you can run scripts through bun run calls.

command: 'bun run build'



Refer to the Node.js handbook for more information on repository structure, dependency management, and more. Since both runtimes are extremely similar, the information in that handbook also applies to Bun!