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migrate from-package-json

Use the moon migrate from-package-json <project> sub-command to migrate a project's package.json to our moon.yml format. When ran, the following changes are made:

  • Converts package.json scripts to moon.yml tasks. Scripts and tasks are not 1:1, so we'll convert as close as possible while retaining functionality.
  • Updates package.json by removing all converted scripts. If all scripts were converted, the entire block is removed.
  • Links package.json dependencies as moon.yml dependencies (dependsOn). Will map a package's name to their moon project name.

This command is ran per project, and for this to operate correctly, requires all projects to be configured in the workspace. There's also a handful of requirements and caveats to be aware of!

$ moon --log debug migrate from-package-json app

moon does its best to infer the local option, given the small amount of information available to use. When this option is incorrectly set, it'll result in CI environments hanging for tasks that are long-running or never-ending (development servers, etc), or won't run builds that should be. Be sure to audit each task after migration!


  • <project> - Name of a project, as defined in projects.


  • When running a script within another script, the full invocation of npm run ..., pnpm run ..., or yarn run ... must be used. Shorthand variants are not supported, for example, npm test or yarn lint or pnpm format. We cannot guarantee that moon will parse these correctly otherwise.

    // ...
    "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint .",
    - "lint:fix": "yarn lint --fix",
    + "lint:fix": "yarn run lint --fix",
  • Scripts that run multiple commands with the AND operator (&&) will create an individual transient task for each command, with all tasks linked in-order using task deps. These commands will not run in parallel. For example, given the following script:

    // ...
    "scripts": {
    // ...
    "check": "yarn run lint && yarn run test && yarn run typecheck"

    Would create 3 tasks that create the dependency chain: check-dep1 (lint) -> check-dep2 (test) -> check (typecheck), instead of the expected parallel execution of lint | test | typecheck -> check. If you would prefer these commands to run in parallel, then you'll need to craft your tasks manually.

  • Scripts that change directory (cd ...), use pipes (|), redirects (>), or the OR operator (||) are not supported and will be skipped. Tasks and scripts are not 1:1 in functionality, as tasks represent that state of a single command execution. However, you can wrap this functionality in a custom script that executes it on the task's behalf.

  • Life cycle scripts are not converted to tasks and will remain in package.json since they're required by npm (and other package managers). However, their commands will be updated to execute moon commands when applicable.

    // ...
    "scripts": {
    - "preversion": "yarn run lint && yarn run test",
    + "preversion": "moon run project:lint && moon run project:test",

    This does not apply to run, start, stop, and test life cycles.

  • "Post" life cycles for user defined scripts do not work, as moon tasks have no concept of "run this after the task completes", so we suggest against using these entirely. However, we still convert the script and include the base script as a task dependency.

    For example, a posttest script would be converted into a posttest task, with the test task included in deps. For this to actually run correctly, you'll need to use moon run <project>:posttest AND NOT moon run <project>:test.