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Create a task

6 min

The primary focus of moon is a task runner, and for it to operate in any capacity, it requires tasks to run. In moon, a task is a binary or system command that is ran as a child process within the context of a project (is the current working directory). Tasks are defined per project with moon.yml, or inherited by many projects with .moon/tasks.yml, but can also be inferred from a language's ecosystem (we'll talk about this later).


Change the language dropdown at the top right to switch the examples!

Configuring a task

Most — if not all projects — utilize the same core tasks: linting, testing, code formatting, typechecking, and building. Because these are so universal, let's implement the build task within a project using moon.yml.

Begin by creating the moon.yml file at the root of a project and add build to the tasks field, with a command parameter.

language: 'javascript'

command: 'webpack build'

By itself, this isn't doing much, so let's add some arguments. Arguments can also be defined with the args setting.

language: 'javascript'

command: 'webpack build --mode production --no-stats'

With this, the task can be ran from the command line with moon run <project>:build! This is tasks in its most simplest form, but continue reading on how to take full advantage of our task runner.


Our task above works, but isn't very efficient as it always runs, regardless of what has changed since the last time it has ran. This becomes problematic in continuous integration environments, not just locally.

To mitigate this problem, moon provides a system known as inputs, which are file paths, globs, and environment variables that are used by the task when it's ran. moon will use and compare these inputs to calculate whether to run, or to return the previous run state from the cache.

If you're a bit confused, let's demonstrate this by expanding the task with the inputs setting.

language: 'javascript'

command: 'webpack build --mode production --no-stats'
- 'src/**/*'
- 'webpack.config.js'
- '/webpack-shared.config.js'

This list of inputs may look complicated, but they are merely run checks. For example, when moon detects a change in...

  • Any files within the src folder, relative from the project's root.
  • A config file in the project's root.
  • A shared config file in the workspace root (denoted by the leading /).

...the task will be ran! If the change occurs outside of the project or outside the list of inputs, the task will not be ran.


Inputs are a powerful feature that can be fine-tuned to your project's need. Be as granular or open as you want, the choice is yours!


Outputs are the opposite of inputs, as they are files and folders that are created as a result of running the task. With that being said, outputs are optional, as not all tasks require them, and the ones that do are typically build related.

Now why is declaring outputs important? For incremental builds and smart caching! When moon encounters a build that has already been built, it hydrates all necessary outputs from the cache, then immediately exits. No more waiting for long builds!

Continuing our example, let's route the built files and expand our task with the outputs setting.

language: 'javascript'

command: 'webpack build --mode production --no-stats --output-path @out(0)'
- 'src/**/*'
- 'webpack.config.js'
- '/webpack-shared.config.js'
- 'build'

Depending on other tasks

For scenarios where you need run a task before another task, as you're expecting some repository state or artifact to exist, can be achieved with the deps setting, which requires a list of targets:

  • <project>:<task> - Full canonical target.
  • ~:<task> or <task> - A task within the current project.
  • ^:<task> - A task from all depended on projects.
# ...

# ...
- '^:build'

Using file groups

Once you're familiar with configuring tasks, you may notice certain inputs being repeated constantly, like source files, test files, and configuration. To reduce the amount of boilerplate required, moon provides a feature known as file groups, which enables grouping of similar file types within a project using file glob patterns or literal file paths.

File groups are defined with the fileGroups setting, which maps a list of file paths/globs to a group, like so.

- '*.config.js'
- 'src/**/*'
- 'types/**/*'
- 'tests/**/*'

We can then replace the inputs in our task above with these new file groups using a syntax known as tokens, specifically the @globs and @files token functions. Tokens are an advanced feature, so please refer to their documentation for more information!

language: 'javascript'

# ...

command: 'webpack build --mode production --no-stats --output-path @out(0)'
- '@globs(sources)'
- 'webpack.config.js'
- '/webpack-shared.config.js'
- 'build'

With file groups (and tokens), you're able to reduce the amount of configuration required and encourage certain file structures for consuming projects!

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