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Feature comparison

The following comparisons are not an exhaustive list of features, and may be inaccurate or out of date, but represent a good starting point for investigation. If something is not correct, please create an issue or submit a patch.

Before diving into our comparisons below, we highly suggest reading for a deeper insight into monorepos and available tooling. It's a great resource for learning about the current state of things and the ecosystem.


Looking to migrate from Nx or Turborepo to moon? Use our moon ext migrate-nx or moon ext migrate-turborepo commands for a (somewhat) seamless migration!

Unique features

Although moon is still in its infancy, we provide an array of powerful features that other frontend centric task runners do not, such as...

  • Integrated toolchain - moon manages its own version of programming languages and dependency managers behind the scenes, so that every task is executed with the exact same version, across all machines.
  • Task inheritance - Instead of defining the same tasks (lint, test, etc) over and over again for every project in the monorepo, moon supports a task inheritance model where it only needs to be defined once at the top-level. Projects can then merge with, exclude, or override if need be.
  • Continuous integration - By default, all moon tasks will run in CI, as we want to encourage every facet of a project or repository to be continually tested and verified. This can be turned off on a per-task basis.

Curious to learn more? Check out the "Why use moon?" or "Features" sections for more information, or these wonderful articles provided by the community:



At a high-level, Turborepo and moon seem very similar as they both claim to be task runners. They both support incremental builds, content/smart hashing, local and remote caching1, parallel execution, and everything else you'd expect from a task runner. But that's where the similarities stop, because in the end, Turborepo is nothing more than a package.json scripts orchestrator with a caching layer. While moon also supports this, it aims to be far more with a heavy focus on the developer experience.

In the next section, we'll be talking about a few key areas that we deem important to consumers. If you'd prefer a more granular comparison, jump down to the comparison tables.


Turborepo only supports the Node.js ecosystem, so implicitly uses a conventions based approach. It provides very little to no configuration for customizing Turborepo to your needs.
moon is language agnostic, with initial support for Node.js and its ecosystem. Because of this, moon provides a ton of configuration for customizing moon to your needs. It prefers a configuration over conventions approach, as every repository is different.


Turborepo infers projects from `package.json` workspaces, and does not support non-JavaScript based projects.
moon requires projects to be defined in `.moon/workspace.yml`, and supports any programming language2.


Turborepo requires `package.json` scripts to be defined for every project. This results in the same scripts being repeated constantly.
moon avoids this overhead by using [task inheritance](#unique-features). No more repetition.


Each pipeline in `turbo.json` must be individually ran as a step in CI. Scripts not configured as pipeline tasks are never ran.
moon runs every task automatically using `moon ci`, which also supports parallelism/sharding.


Turborepo is in the process of being rewritten in Rust, with its codebase being shared and coupled with the new Turbopack library, a Rust based bundler. Outside of this, there are no publicly available plans for Turborepo's future.
moon plans to be so much more than a task runner, with one such facet being a repository management tool. This includes code ownership, dependency management and auditing, repository linting, in-repo secrets, and anything else we deem viable. We also plan to support additional languages as first-class citizens within our toolchain.
  1. Turborepo remote caching is powered by Vercel. moon provides its own paid service.

  2. moon projects may run commands for any language, but not all languages are supported in the toolchain.


Lerna was a fantastic tool that helped the JavaScript ecosystem grow and excelled at package versioning and publishing (and still does), but it offered a very rudimentary task runner. While Lerna was able to run scripts in parallel, it wasn't the most efficient, as it did not support caching, hashing, or performant scheduling.

However, the reason Lerna is not compared in-depth, is that Lerna was unowned and unmaintained for quite some time, and has recently fallen under the Nx umbrella. Lerna is basically Nx lite now.

Comparison tables

🟩 Supported🟨 Partially supported🟦 Similarly supported🟥 Not supported


moon (11)nx (11)turborepo (8)

Core/CLI written in


Node.js & Rust (for hot paths)

Rust / Go

Plugins written in

WASM (any compatible language)



Workspace configured with




Project list configured in


workspace.json / package.json workspaces

package.json workspaces

Repo / folder structure




Ignore file support

🟩  via hasher.ignorePatterns

🟩  .nxignore

🟩  via --ignore

Supports dependencies inherited by all tasks

🟩  via implicitDeps

🟩  via targetDefaults


Supports inputs inherited by all tasks

🟩  via implicitInputs

🟩  via implicitDependencies

🟩  via globalDependencies

Supports tasks inherited by all projects


🟩  via plugins


Integrates with a version control system

🟩  git

🟩  git

🟩  git

Supports scaffolding / generators



moon (6)nx (2)turborepo (2)

Supported languages in task runner

All languages available on PATH

All languages via plugins. OOTB TS/JS, existing plugins for Rust, Go, Dotnet and more

JavaScriptTypeScript via package.json scripts

Supported dependency managers

npm, pnpm, yarn, bun

npm, pnpm, yarn

npm, pnpm, yarn

Supported toolchain languages (automatic dev envs)

Bun, Deno, Node.js, Rust


Has a built-in toolchain


Downloads and installs languages (when applicable)


Configures explicit language/dependency manager versions



moon (8)nx (5)turborepo (2)

Dependencies on other projects

🟩  implicit from package.json or explicit in moon.yml

🟩  implicit from package.json or explicit in project.json and code imports/exports

🟩  implicit from package.json

Ownership metadata


Primary programming language


Project type (app, lib, etc)

🟩  app, lib, tool, automation, config, scaffold

🟩  app, lib


Project tech stack

🟩  frontend, backend, infra, systems


Project-level file groups


🟩  via namedInputs


Project-level tasks


Tags and scopes (boundaries)

🟩  native for all languages

🟩  boundaries via ESLint (TS and JS), tags for filtering for all languages



moon (24)nx (24)turborepo (17)

Known as




Defines tasks in

moon.yml or package.json scripts

nx.json, project.json or package.json scripts

package.json scripts

Run a single task with

moon run project:task

nx target project or nx run project:target

turbo run task --filter=project

Run multiple tasks with

moon run :task or moon run a:task b:task or moon check

nx run-many -t task1 task2 task3

turbo run task or turbo run a b c

Run tasks based on a query/filter

moon run :task --query "..."

nx run-many -t task -p "tag:.." -p "dir/*" -p "name*" -p "!negation"


Can define tasks globally

🟩  with .moon/tasks.yml

🟨  with targetDefaults


Merges or overrides global tasks


Runs a command with args


🟨  within the script

Runs commands from

project or workspace root

current working directory, or wherever desired via config

project root

Supports pipes, redirects, etc, in configured tasks

🟨  encapsulated in a file

🟨  within the executor or script

🟨  within the script

Dependencies on other tasks

🟩  via deps

🟩  via dependsOn

🟩  via dependsOn

Can provide extra params for task dependencies



Can mark a task dependency as optional

🟩  via optional


Can depend on arbitrary or unrelated tasks


🟥  dependent projects only

Runs task dependencies in parallel


Can run task dependencies in serial


🟩  via parallel=1

🟩  via concurrency=1

File groups


🟩  via namedInputs


Environment variables

🟩  via env, envFile

🟩  automatically via .env files and/or inherited from shell

🟨  within the script


🟩  files, globs, env vars

🟩  files, globs, env vars, runtime

🟩  files, globs


🟩  files, globs

🟩  files, globs

🟩  files, globs

Output logging style

🟩  via outputStyle

🟩  via --output-style

🟩  via outputMode

Custom hash inputs


🟩  via runtime inputs

🟩  via globalDependencies

Token substitution

🟩  token functions and variable syntax

🟩  {workspaceRoot}, {projectRoot}, {projectName}, arbitrary patterns namedInputs


Configuration presets

🟩  via task extends

🟩  via configurations


Configurable options


Task runner

moon (9)nx (11)turborepo (7)

Known as

action pipeline

task runner


Generates a dependency graph


Runs in topological order


Automatically retries failed tasks


🟩  when flakiness detected on Nx Cloud


Caches task outputs via a unique hash


Can customize the underlying runner


Can profile running tasks

🟩  cpu, heap

🟩  cpu

🟩  cpu

Can generate run reports


🟩  free in Nx Cloud & GitHub App Comment


Continuous integration (CI) support


Continuous deployment (CD) support


🟨  via nx release


Remote / cloud caching and syncing

🟩  with (free / paid)

🟩  with Nx Cloud (free / paid)

🟩  requires a Vercel account (free)


moon (14)nx (14)turborepo (11)

Known as




Templates are configured with a schema

🟩  via template.yml


Template file extensions (optional)

🟩  .tera, .twig

🟩  fully under user control, built in utility for .ejs templates

🟩  .hbs

Template files support frontmatter


🟩  fully under user control


Creates/copies files to destination


Updates/merges with existing files

🟩  JSON/YAML only

🟩  via TypeScript/JavaScript plugins


Renders with a template engine

🟩  via Tera

🟩  fully under user control, built in utility for .ejs templates

🟩  via Handlebars

Variable interpolation in file content


Variable interpolation in file paths


Can define variable values via interactive prompts


🟩  using JSON schema


Can define variable values via command line args


🟩  using JSON schema


Supports dry runs


Supports render helpers, filters, and built-ins


Generators can compose other generators

🟩  via extends

🟩  fully under user control, author in TypeScript/JavaScript

🟩  using JavaScript

Other systems

moon (6)nx (0)turborepo (1)

Can send webhooks for critical pipeline events


Generates run reports with granular stats/metrics


Can define and manage code owners


Can generate a CODEOWNERS file


Can define and manage VCS (git) hooks


Supports git worktrees


JavaScript ecosystem

moon (10)nx (1)turborepo (0)

Will automatically install node modules when lockfile changes


Can automatically dedupe when lockfile changes


Can alias package.json names for projects


Can add engines constraint to root package.json


Can sync version manager configs (.nvmrc, etc)


Can sync cross-project dependencies to package.json


Can sync project references to applicable tsconfig.json


Can auto-create missing tsconfig.json


Can sync dependencies as paths to tsconfig.json


Can route outDir to a shared cached in tsconfig.json


Docker integration

moon (3)nx (2)turborepo (2)

Efficient scaffolding for Dockerfile layer caching


🟦  via custom generator


Automatic production-only dependency installation


🟨  generated automatically by first party plugin


Environment pruning to reduce image/container sizes
