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TypeScript example

In this guide, you'll learn how to integrate TypeScript into moon. We'll be using project references, as it ensures that only affected projects are built, and not the entire repository.

Begin by installing typescript and any pre-configured tsconfig packages in your root. We suggest using the same version across the entire repository.

yarn add --dev typescript tsconfig-moon


Since typechecking is a universal workflow, add a typecheck task to .moon/tasks/node.yml with the following parameters.

- 'tsc'
# Use incremental builds with project references
- '--build'
# Always use pretty output
- '--pretty'
# Use verbose logging to see affected projects
- '--verbose'
# Source and test files
- 'src/**/*'
- 'tests/**/*'
# Type declarations
- 'types/**/*'
# Project configs
- 'tsconfig.json'
- 'tsconfig.*.json'
# Root configs (extended from only)
- '/tsconfig.options.json'
# Matches `compilerOptions.outDir`
- 'lib'

Projects can extend this task and provide additional parameters if need be, for example.

# Force build every time
- '--force'



Multiple root-level TypeScript configs are required, as we need to define compiler options that are shared across the repository, and we need to house a list of all project references.

To start, let's create a tsconfig.options.json that will contain our compiler options. In our example, we'll extend tsconfig-moon for convenience. Specifically, the tsconfig.workspaces.json config, which enables ECMAScript modules, composite mode, declaration emitting, and incremental builds.

"extends": "tsconfig-moon/tsconfig.projects.json",
"compilerOptions": {
// Your custom options
"moduleResolution": "nodenext",
"target": "es2022"

We'll also need the standard tsconfig.json to house our project references. This is used by editors and tooling for deep integrations.

"extends": "./tsconfig.options.json",
"files": [],
// All project references in the repo
"references": []

The typescript.rootConfigFileName setting can be used to change the root-level config name and the typescript.syncProjectReferences setting will automatically keep project references in sync!


Every project will require a tsconfig.json, as TypeScript itself requires it. The following tsconfig.json will typecheck the entire project, including source and test files.

// Extend the root compiler options
"extends": "../../tsconfig.options.json",
"compilerOptions": {
// Declarations are written here
"outDir": "lib"
// Include files in the project
"include": ["src/**/*", "tests/**/*"],
// Depends on other projects
"references": []

The typescript.projectConfigFileName setting can be used to change the project-level config name.


To share configuration across projects, you have 3 options:

  • Define settings in a root-level config. This only applies to the parent repository.
  • Create and publish an tsconfig base npm package. This can be used in any repository.
  • A combination of 1 and 2.

For options 2 and 3, if you're utilizing package workspaces, create a local package with the following content.

"compilerOptions": {
// ...
"lib": ["esnext"]

Within another tsconfig.json, you can extend this package to inherit the settings.

"extends": "tsconfig-company/tsconfig.json"


How to preserve pretty output?

TypeScript supports a pretty format where it includes codeframes and color highlighting for failures. However, when tsc is piped or the terminal is not a TTY, the pretty format is lost. To preserve and always display the pretty format, be sure to pass the --pretty argument!