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Sharing workspace configuration

For large companies, open source maintainers, and those that love reusability, more often than not you'll want to use the same configuration across all repositories for consistency. This helps reduce the maintenance burden while ensuring a similar developer experience.

To help streamline this process, moon provides an extends setting in both .moon/workspace.yml, .moon/toolchain.yml, and .moon/tasks.yml. This setting requires a HTTPS URL or relative file system path that points to a valid YAML document for the configuration in question.

A great way to share configuration is by using GitHub's "raw file view", as demonstrated below using our very own examples repository.

extends: ''


Inheriting an upstream configuration can be dangerous, as the settings may change at any point, resulting in broken builds. To mitigate this, you can used a "versioned" upstream configuration, which is ideally a fixed point in time. How this is implemented is up to you or your company, but we suggest the following patterns:

Using versioned filenames

A rudimentary solution is to append a version to the upstream filename. When the file is modified, a new version should be created, while the previous version remains untouched.

-extends: '../shared/project.yml'
+extends: '../shared/project-v1.yml'

Using branches, tags, or commits

When using a version control platform, like GitHub above, you can reference the upstream configuration through a branch, tag, commit, or sha. Since these are a reference point in time, they are relatively safe.

-extends: ''
+extends: ''