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The .moon/workspace.yml file configures projects and services in the workspace. This file is required.

$schema: ''


Defines an external .moon/workspace.yml to extend and inherit settings from. Perfect for reusability and sharing configuration across repositories and projects. When defined, this setting must be an HTTPS URL or relative file system path that points to a valid YAML document!

extends: ''

Settings will be merged recursively for blocks, with values defined in the local configuration taking precedence over those defined in the extended configuration. However, the projects setting does not merge!


Defines the location of all projects within the workspace. Supports either a manual map of projects (default), a list of globs in which to automatically locate projects, or both.


Projects that depend on each other and form a cycle must be avoided! While we do our best to avoid an infinite loop and disconnect nodes from each other, there's no guarantee that tasks will run in the correct order.

Using a map

When using a map, each project must be manually configured and requires a unique name as the map key, where this name is used heavily on the command line and within the project graph for uniquely identifying the project amongst all projects. The map value (known as the project source) is a file system path to the project folder, relative from the workspace root, and must be contained within the workspace boundary.

admin: 'apps/admin'
apiClients: 'packages/api-clients'
designSystem: 'packages/design-system'
web: 'apps/web'

Using globs

If manually mapping projects is too tedious or cumbersome, you may provide a list of globs to automatically locate all project folders, relative from the workspace root.

When using this approach, the project name is derived from the project folder name, and is cleaned to our supported characters, but can be customized with the id setting in moon.yml. Furthermore, globbing does risk the chance of collision, and when that happens, we log a warning and skip the conflicting project from being configured in the project graph.

- 'apps/*'
- 'packages/*'
# Only shared folders with a moon configuration
- 'shared/*/moon.yml'

Using a map and globs

For those situations where you want to use both patterns, you can! The list of globs can be defined under a globs field, while the map of projects under a sources field.

- 'apps/*'
- 'packages/*'
www: 'www'


Configures code owners (CODEOWNERS) integration across the entire workspace.


This setting defines file patterns and their owners at the workspace-level, and are applied to any matching path, at any depth, within the entire workspace. This is useful for defining global or fallback owners when a granular project-level path does not match or exist.

'*': ['@admins']
'config/': ['@infra']
'/.github/': ['@infra']


The order in which code owners, grouped by project, are listed in the CODEOWNERS file. Accepts "file-source" (default) or "project-name".

orderBy: 'project-name'


Will automatically generate a CODEOWNERS file by aggregating and syncing all project owners in the workspace when a target is run. The format and location of the CODEOWNERS file is based on the vcs.provider setting. Defaults to false.

syncOnRun: true


Configures constraints between projects that are enforced during project graph generation. This is also known as project boundaries.


Enforces allowed relationships between a project its dependencies based on the project's type and stack settings. When a project depends on another project of an invalid type, an error will be thrown when attempting to run a task. The following relationships are enforced when this setting is enabled, which defaults to true.

  • Applications can depend on all types except other applications or automation.
  • Automation can depend on all types except other automation.
  • Libraries can only depend on other libraries, configuration, or scaffolding.
  • Tools can only depend on libraries, configuration, or scaffolding.
  • Configuration and scaffolding can only depend on other configuration and scaffolding.

When the project stack setting is defined, it alters these rules to allow these kinds of relationships. For example, a frontend application can depend on a backend application, but not another frontend application.

enforceProjectTypeRelationships: false

Projects with an unconfigured or unknown type are ignored during enforcement.


Enforces allowed relationships between a project and its dependencies based on the project's tags setting. This works in a similar fashion to enforceProjectTypeRelationships, but gives you far more control over what these relationships look like.

For example, let's enforce that Next.js projects using the next tag can only depend on React projects using the react tag. If a dependency does not have one of the configured required tags, in this case react, an error will occur.

next: ['react']

On the project side, we would configure moon.yml like so:

tags: ['next']
dependsOn: ['components']
tags: ['react']


Enable or disable experiments that alter core functionality.


When enabled, will fail with an error when multiple projects have the same alias. When disabled, the duplicate aliases will not be assigned to their project, and only the first project will use the alias. Defaults to true.

strictProjectAliases: false


A mapping of extensions that can be downloaded and executed with the moon ext command. An extension is a WASM plugin, and the location of the WASM file must be defined with the plugin field, which requires a plugin locator string.

plugin: 'source:./path/to/example.wasm'
# or
plugin: 'source:'

Additionally, extensions support custom configuration that is passed to the WASM runtime when the plugin is instantiated. This configuration is defined by inserting additional fields under the extension name, relative to the plugin field. Each extension may have its own settings, so refer to their documentation for more information.

plugin: 'source:./path/to/example.wasm'
setting1: true
setting2: 'abc'

View our official extensions guide for more information, including built-in extensions!


Configures aspects of the template generator.


A list of paths in which templates can be located. Supports the following types of paths, and defaults to ./templates.

  • File system paths, relative from the workspace root.
  • Git repositories and a revision, prefixed with git:. v1.23.0
  • npm packages and a version, prefixed with npm:. v1.23.0
- './templates'
- './other/templates'
- ''
- 'npm:@moonrepo/templates#1.2.3'

Learn more about this in the official code generation guide!


Configures aspects of the smart hashing layer.


When hashing a list of files, we split the list into batches to help reduce memory footprint and avoid overloading the configured VCS. This setting controls how many files are in each batch and defaults to 2500.

If you're running into memory issues, or moon hanging during the file hashing process, lowering this number may help resolve the issue.

batchSize: 1000


When hasher.warnOnMissingInputs is enabled, moon will log a warning to the terminal that an input is missing. This is useful for uncovering misconfigurations, but can be quite noisy when inputs are truly optional.

To ignore warnings for missing inputs, a list of glob patterns can be configured to filter and ignore files. Files are matched against workspace relative paths, so prefixing patterns with **/ is suggested.

- '**/.eslintrc.*'
- '**/*.config.*'


A list of glob patterns used to filter and ignore files during the inputs hashing process. Files are matched against workspace relative paths, so prefixing patterns with **/ is suggested.

- '**/*.png'


Determines the optimization level to utilize when hashing content before running targets.

  • accuracy (default) - When hashing dependency versions, utilize the resolved value in the lockfile. This requires parsing the lockfile, which may reduce performance.
  • performance - When hashing dependency versions, utilize the value defined in the manifest. This is typically a version range or requirement.
optimization: 'performance'


Defines the file system walking strategy to utilize when discovering inputs to hash.

  • glob - Walks the file system using glob patterns.
  • vcs (default) - Calls out to the VCS to extract files from its working tree.
walkStrategy: 'glob'


When enabled, will log warnings to the console when attempting to hash an input that does not exist. This is useful in uncovering misconfigured tasks. Defaults to true.

warnOnMissingInputs: false


Configures how moon notifies and interacts with a developer or an external system.


Defines an HTTPS URL that all pipeline events will be posted to. View the webhooks guide for more information on available events.

webhookUrl: ''


Configures aspects of task running and the action pipeline.


Defines a list of targets, with or without scope, that will be cached and archived within the runner. Tasks that produce outputs are automatically archived, and do not need to be defined here. Defaults to an empty list.

- ':test'
- 'app:typecheck'

This setting primarily exists for remote caching as it will create and persist tar archives located in .moon/cache/outputs.


Automatically cleans cached artifacts older than cacheLifetime from the cache directory (.moon/cache) after every run. This is useful for keeping the cache directory lean. Defaults to true.

autoCleanCache: false


The maximum lifetime of cached artifacts before they're marked as stale and automatically removed by the action pipeline. Defaults to "7 days". This field requires an integer and a timeframe unit that can be parsed as a duration.

cacheLifetime: '24 hours'


Force colors to be inherited from the current terminal for all tasks that are ran as a child process and their output is piped to the action pipeline. Defaults to true. View more about color handling in moon.

inheritColorsForPipedTasks: true


When enabled, will log the task's command, resolved arguments, and working directory when a target is ran. Defaults to false.

logRunningCommand: true


When enabled, will check for a newer moon version and send anonymous usage data to the moonrepo team. This data is used to improve the quality and reliability of the tool. Defaults to true.

telemetry: false


Configures the version control system to utilize within the workspace (and repository). A VCS is required for determining touched (added, modified, etc) files, calculating file hashes, computing affected files, and much more.


Defines the default branch in the repository for comparing differences against. For git, this is typically "master" (default) or "main".

defaultBranch: 'master'


Defines a mapping of hooks to a list of commands to run when that event is triggered. There are no restrictions to what commands can be run, but the binaries for each command must exist on each machine that will be running hooks.

For Git, each hook name must be a valid kebab-cased name. Learn more about Git hooks.

- 'moon run :lint :format --affected --status=staged'
- 'another-command'

If running moon commands directly, the moon binary must be installed globally!


Defines the VCS tool/binary that is being used for managing the repository. Accepts "git" (default). Expect more version control systems in the future!

manager: 'git'


Defines the service provider that the repository is hosted on. Accepts "github" (default), "gitlab", "bitbucket", or "other".

provider: 'github'


(Git only) Defines a list of remote candidates to query agaist to determine merge bases. Defaults to "origin" and "upstream".

- 'origin'
- 'upstream'


Will automatically generate hook scripts to .moon/hooks and sync the scripts to the local VCS checkout. The hooks format and location is based on the vcs.manager setting. Defaults to false.

# ...
syncHooks: true

When enabled, this will sync hooks for all users of the repository. For personal or small projects, this may be fine, but for larger projects, this may be undesirable and disruptive!


Defines a version requirement for the currently running moon binary. This provides a mechanism for enforcing that the globally installed moon on every developers machine is using an applicable version.

versionConstraint: '>=0.20.0'