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The following options are available for all moon commands.

  • --cache <mode> - The mode for cache operations.
  • --color - Force colored output for moon (not tasks).
  • --concurrency, -c - Maximum number of threads to utilize.
  • --dump - Dump a trace profile to the working directory.
  • --help - Display the help menu for the current command.
  • --log <level> - The lowest log level to output.
  • --logFile <file> - Write logs to the defined file.
  • --quiet, -q - Hide all non-important moon specific terminal output.
  • --version - Display the version of the CLI.


We provide a powerful caching layer, but sometimes you need to debug failing or broken tasks, and this cache may get in the way. To circumvent this, we support the --cache global option, or the MOON_CACHE environment variable, both of which accept one of the following values.

  • off - Turn off caching entirely. Every task will run fresh, including dependency installs.
  • read - Read existing items from the cache, but do not write to them.
  • read-write (default) - Read and write items to the cache.
  • write - Do not read existing cache items, but write new items to the cache.
$ moon run app:build --cache off
# Or
$ MOON_CACHE=off moon run app:build


Colored output is a complicated subject, with differing implementations and standards across tooling and operating systems. moon aims to normalize this as much as possible, by doing the following:

  • By default, moon colors are inherited from your terminal settings (TERM and COLORTERM environment variables).
  • Colors can be force enabled by passing the --color option (preferred), or MOON_COLOR or FORCE_COLOR environment variables.
$ moon app:build --color run
# Or
$ MOON_COLOR=2 moon run app:build

When forcing colors with MOON_COLOR or FORCE_COLOR, you may set it to one of the following numerical values for the desired level of color support. This is automatically inferred if you use --color.

  • 0 - No colors
  • 1 - 16 colors (standard terminal colors)
  • 2 - 256 colors
  • 3 - 16 million colors (truecolor)

Piped output

When tasks (child processes) are piped, colors and ANSI escape sequences are lost, since the target is not a TTY and we do not implement a PTY. This is a common pattern this is quite annoying. However, many tools and CLIs support a --color option to work around this limitation and to always force colors, even when not a TTY.

To mitigate this problem as a whole, and to avoid requiring --color for every task, moon supports the runner.inheritColorsForPipedTasks configuration setting. When enabled, all piped child processes will inherit the color settings of the currently running terminal.


The --concurrency option or MOON_CONCURRENCY environment variable can be used to control the maximum amount of threads to utilize in our thread pool. If not defined, defaults to the number of operating system cores.

$ moon run app:build --concurrency 1
# Or
$ MOON_CONCURRENCY=1 moon run app:build


At minimum, most debugging can be done by passing --log trace on the command line and sifting through the logs. We also provide the following environment variables to toggle output.

  • MOON_DEBUG_PROCESS_ENV - By default moon hides the environment variables (except for MOON_) passed to processes to avoid leaking sensitive information. However, knowing what environment variables are passed around is helpful in debugging. Declare this variable to reveal the entire environment.
  • MOON_DEBUG_PROCESS_INPUT - By default moon truncates the stdin passed to processes to avoid thrashing the console with a large input string. However, knowing what input is passed around is helpful in debugging. Declare this variable to reveal the entire input.
  • MOON_DEBUG_PROTO_INSTALL - Debug the proto installation process.
  • MOON_DEBUG_REMOTE - Debug our remote caching implementation by including additional logging output, and printing internal connection errors.
  • MOON_DEBUG_WASM - Debug our WASM plugins by including additional logging output, and optionally dumping memory/core profiles.


By default, moon aims to output as little as possible, as we want to preserve the original output of the command's being ran, excluding warnings and errors. This is managed through log levels, which can be defined with the --log global option, or the MOON_LOG environment level. The following levels are supported, in priority order.

  • off - Turn off logging entirely.
  • error - Only show error logs.
  • warn - Only show warning logs and above.
  • info (default) - Only show info logs and above.
  • debug - Only show debug logs and above.
  • trace - Show all logs, including network requests and child processes.
$ moon run app:build --log trace
# Or
$ MOON_LOG=trace moon run app:build

Outputting logs to a file

moon can dump the logs from a command to a file using the --logFile option, or the MOON_LOG_FILE environment variable. The dumped logs will respect the --log option and filter the logs piped to the output file.

$ moon run app:build --logFile=output.log
# Or
$ MOON_LOG_FILE=output.log moon run app:build


When the --dump option or MOON_DUMP environment variable is set, moon will generate a trace profile and dump it to the current working directory. This profile can be opened with Chrome (via chrome://tracing) or Perfetto.

This profile will display many of the operations within moon as a flame chart, allowing you to inspect and debug slow operations.