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File patterns


Globs in moon are Rust-based globs, not JavaScript-based. This may result in different or unexpected results. The following guidelines must be met when using globs:

  • Must use forward slashes (/) for path separators, even on Windows.
  • Must not start with or use any relative path parts, . or ...

Supported syntax

  • * - Matches zero or more characters, but does not match the / character. Will attempt to match the longest possible text (eager).
  • $ - Like *, but will attempt to match the shortest possible text (lazy).
  • ** - Matches zero or more directories.
  • ? - Matches exactly one character, but not /.
  • [abc] - Matches one case-sensitive character listed in the brackets.
  • [!xyz] - Like the above, but will match any character not listed.
  • [a-z] - Matches one case-sensitive character in range in the brackets.
  • [!x-z] - Like the above, but will match any character not in range.
  • {glob,glob} - Matches one or more comma separated list of sub-glob patterns.
  • <glob:n,n> - Matches a sub-glob within a defined bounds.
  • ! - At the start of a pattern, will negate previous positive patterns.



Project relative

When configuring fileGroups, inputs, and outputs, all listed file paths and globs are relative from the project root they will be ran in. They must not traverse upwards with ...

# Valid

# Invalid

Workspace relative

When configuring fileGroups, inputs, and outputs, a listed file path or glob can be prefixed with / to resolve relative from the workspace root, and not the project root.

# In project

# In workspace