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moon v1.25 - New task runner and console reporter

· 6 min read
Miles Johnson
Founder, developer

In this release, we focused primarily on rewriting our task runner, and improving our console.

New task runner implementation

It's been over a month since our last release, but we've been really busy rewriting our task runner from the ground up! In other build systems, a task runner is typically the orchestator that runs multiple tasks and manages their state. In moon this is known as the action pipeline (or just pipeline), and a task runner is simply the execution of a single task. However, executing a single task is quite involved, as we need to generate a unique hash, check the cache, hydrate outputs if a cache hit, actually execute the task as a child process, and much more!

Task running is some of the oldest code in moon, as it was part of the initial MVP. Because of this, it hasn't changed much, but moon has grown quite large and it was time to revisit it with better design patterns and practices. Furthermore, since the task runner is so critical to moon itself, we wanted to ensure it worked correctly, and spent more time than usual implementing, testing it, and verifying edge cases.

With this new task runner, we...

  • Improved handling and reliability of output archiving (cache miss) and hydration (cache hit).
  • Streamlined the task execution (child process) flow.
  • Increased performance by optimizing or removing certain code paths.

If you're interested in how the task runner was implemented, feel free to take a look at the Rust crate, and the pull request itself.

Fine-grained operations

A major goal of moon is bubbling up information to the user that is applicable to the current workflow, but what about when that workflow must be debugged or optimized? At that point, it was almost impossible without digging into the source code.

To make a step in this direction, as part of the new task runner we now track timing information for individual parts of the run execution, and we're calling these parts operations. An operation is anything from generating a hash, creating a tarball archive, unpacking the archive (cache hydration), task execution (the child process), and more.

This timing information is useful in figuring out why a certain task is slower than expected, and which operation is actually causing the slowness. It also helps to uncover which operations were actually ran for an action, which were skipped, so on and so forth. At this point in time, the operations information is only included in the run report, located at .moon/cache/runReport.json. In the future, we plan to display this information in a nice UI.

For an example of this in action, here's a list of all operations that were executed when running the build task for our website.

"duration": {
"secs": 0,
"nanos": 609156875
"finishedAt": "2024-05-27T00:14:54.286628",
"meta": {
"type": "hash-generation",
"hash": "10606e37c5e6ab4008007b30275f1682bae32dca71650ce173eb386d5b6c3309"
"startedAt": "2024-05-27T00:14:53.677526",
"status": "passed"
"duration": {
"secs": 0,
"nanos": 32834
"finishedAt": "2024-05-27T00:14:54.286667",
"meta": {
"type": "output-hydration"
"startedAt": "2024-05-27T00:14:54.286634",
"status": "skipped"
"duration": {
"secs": 15,
"nanos": 789003125
"finishedAt": "2024-05-27T00:15:10.075113",
"meta": {
"type": "task-execution",
"command": "docusaurus build",
"exitCode": 0
"startedAt": "2024-05-27T00:14:54.286950",
"status": "passed"
"duration": {
"secs": 17,
"nanos": 214634292
"finishedAt": "2024-05-27T00:15:27.289995",
"meta": {
"type": "archive-creation"
"startedAt": "2024-05-27T00:15:10.075686",
"status": "passed"

Because of these new operations, we can clearly see above that the archive creation process is taking 17 seconds, which is 2 seconds longer than the build itself! Without this information, we would have never known that the archive was taking this long, but now we do, and we can optimize it in a future release!

Run summaries

Because of the new task runner and the new console (below), we have the ability to bubble up more information than before. Based on requests from the community, we've taken the output from moon ci and applied it to both moon check and moon run behind the --summary flag.

When this flag is passed, we will now summarize all actions that have ran in the pipeline (not just task related ones), and include failed tasks for review. For example, here's the output of moon check website --summary on moon's repository.

$ moon check website --summary

▪▪▪▪ types:build (cached, 1ms, 21bd9add)
▪▪▪▪ runtime:build (cached, e8363e65)
▪▪▪▪ website:typecheck (cached, 0ab91eaa)
▪▪▪▪ website:format (cached, 07ae2388)
▪▪▪▪ website:test (cached, 11d33e2e)
▪▪▪▪ website:lint (cached, 2197fbb1)
▪▪▪▪ website:build (10606e37)
▪▪▪▪ website:build (15s 789ms, 10606e37)


pass SyncWorkspace
skip SetupNodeTool(20.13.1) (skipped, 250ms)
skip InstallNodeDeps(20.13.1) (skipped, 13ms, f341872f)
pass SyncNodeProject(types) (1ms)
pass SyncNodeProject(runtime) (1ms)
pass RunTask(types:build) (cached, 140ms, 21bd9add)
pass SyncNodeProject(website) (1ms)
pass RunTask(runtime:build) (cached, 32ms, e8363e65)
pass RunTask(website:build) (33s 614ms, 10606e37)
pass RunTask(website:format) (cached, 59ms, 07ae2388)
pass RunTask(website:lint) (cached, 101ms, 2197fbb1)
pass RunTask(website:test) (cached, 64ms, 11d33e2e)
pass RunTask(website:typecheck) (cached, 59ms, 0ab91eaa)


Actions: 11 completed (6 cached), 2 skipped
Time: 34s 52ms

New console reporting layer

For the most part, when something in moon needed to be printed to the console, we would simply print it directly at that point in time, anywhere within the codebase. While this worked, it made it difficult to orchestrate output from different parts of the codebase, and in the context of Rust, each call to stdout/stderr locks the I/O stream, resulting in performance loss.

To work around this, in v1.21 we implemented a new console layer that buffers all stdio writes, and prints them on 100ms intervals. This avoids locking on every call, and instead batches them. To expand on this further, in this release we've implemented a new reporter layer, with a well-defined interface that is used to print checkpoints (the 4 squares), and status updates from the action pipeline (and the new task runner).

This reporter layer enables new console UI implementations in the future based on your preferences. For example, an interactive UI composed of tables, tabs, and more, representing the current state of the pipeline.

Other changes

View the official release for a full list of changes.

  • Greatly reduced the amount of concurrent locks being held during task execution. May see slight performance improvements.
  • Updated external configuration files (via https extends) to be cached for 24 hours.
  • Updated macOS binaries to be built on macos-12 instead of macos-11.
  • Updated proto to v0.35.4 (from v0.34.4).