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proto v0.11 - New shims and better logging

· 2 min read
Miles Johnson
Founder, developer

This is a small release that improves shims and logs.

New and improved shims

The core facet of proto is our shims found at ~/.proto/bin. They exist purely to re-route tool executions internally to proto, so that we can detect the correct version of these tools to run. However, maintaining and creating these shims has historically been very complicated. So we chose to rewrite them from the ground-up!

All tools should continue to function exactly as they did before, if not better. Furthermore, because of this new shim layer, we're now able to create what we call "secondary shims", like bunx for Bun, pnpx for pnpm, and yarnpkg for Yarn.

Better logging

proto has supported logging since its initial release behind the PROTO_LOG environment variable. However, this variable wasn't heavily documented, nor easily discoverable. So as an alternative, we now support a global --log option, which can be passed to any proto command.

$ proto install node --log trace

On top of this, we also ran an audit of all our log calls, to improve messaging, include additional information, rework applicable levels, and more. They should be far more readable!

Other changes

View the official release for a full list of changes.