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moon v1.4 - New tag target scope, MQL support for query commands, and more!

· 2 min read
Miles Johnson
Founder, developer

With this release, we're bringing further improvements to tags and MQL.

Run targets by tag with #tag:task

We love our community, as you all continuously suggest new and awesome features that haven't crossed our minds. One such feature was the ability to run tasks for all projects with a tag, suggested by @theoephraim, which is now possible with the new tag scope, #tag:task.

As an example, we can easily lint all projects that have the frontend tag.

$ moon run '#frontend:lint'

Because # is special syntax and denotes a comment, the target will need to be quoted to work correctly!

Updated moon query commands to support MQL

Last week we announced MQL, a custom query language for applying filters to moon's project graph, primarily through the moon run command. We plan to slowly integrate MQL throughout moon as it provides an easy to use API, and an overall better developer experience.

As such, we've updated both moon query projects and moon query tasks to support MQL statements as an optional first argument. Totally makes sense that query commands would support MQL!

# Find all projects with a `lint` or `build` task
$ moon query projects "task=[lint,build]"

# Find all tasks with an id that starts with "dev"
$ moon query tasks "task~dev-*"

Deprecated node.aliasPackageNames setting

moon project's support the concept of aliasing, where language/ecosystem specific names are used alongside moon's. For example, the name field from package.json. However, aliasing was off by default for Node.js projects and had to be explicitly enabled with the node.aliasPackageNames setting.

In an effort to streamline moon adoption for Node.js codebases, we're deprecating that setting, and instead will now always inherit the package.json name as an alias. For example, if you're package name was @company/utils, you can now run a target like so:

$ moon run @company/utils:build

This setting is now a no-op and can be removed from your configuration.

Other changes

View the official release for a full list of changes.

  • Upgraded to proto v0.8.